
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Don't you just love our 'potion' bottles?  Last year one of our lovely Mums, Donna, worked for 'The Body Shop' and brought in these lovely glass bottles for us!  If you remember, they used to be filled with the most beautiful smelling oils, but not anymore!  Look closely and you will see, they still retain their 'try me', 'try me', stickers!  The children just love the fact that they look like 'real' science potion bottles! (Harry Potter would be impressed!) Unfortunately, we are yet to find glass eye-droppers that are just the right length for the bottles... maybe someone can help us with this dilemma!?

Nothing displays colour quite as well as glass!

We introduced our potion bottles after seeing the enthusiasm the children demonstrated when our ice boats melted and the colours mixed.  We use blotting paper as it absorbs the water and allows it to spread, overlap and mix with other colours as they are added.

And black-line marker pens are always popular!

This activity really develops the children's skills in experimentation and observation!  It encourages them to predict, hypothesize and draw conclusions as they work.  Sometimes in solitary quiet reflection and sometimes in robust social interactions.

Such a popular activity....
The children just kept coming back for more and more!


  1. I love it! How tall are the bottles? They are fantastic! We will definitely have to try this out :). We do a great color potion mixing science activity too, but ours is with vinegar and baking soda!

  2. Now I have potion bottle envy.

    I love the effect of the black pen with the paint - gorgeous.

  3. Mwah ha Jenny! They are fabulous I know... and I would share if I could! So lovely to use... the klink of the glass pipettes as they were dipped into and removed from the bottles was such a lovely sound to hear. Maybe you could think of an alternative... or make some enquires at your local Body Shop maybe? Worth a try I reckon. Good Luck! :)
